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Help Center

Need help with something?

For quick and easy access to the information you may be looking for, we've listed helpful answers and tips under each of the topics below.

How do I manage or cancel my service?

Did SiriusXM change the name of my plan?

I want to change my subscription. What should I do?

How do I make changes to my subscription package?

How do I transfer my existing paid subscription to my new vehicle?

Why and when does my subscription automatically renew? Will you notify me?

How do I manage my contact preferences?

Can I temporarily suspend my service?

Can I combine accounts if I already have another trial subscription?

How do I activate a SiriusXM trial in a vehicle equipped with a SiriusXM, XM, or Sirius satellite radio?

I'm already a subscriber. Do I get a discount on additional subscription?

What if I want SiriusXM in more than one vehicle?

What are the benefits of using the Online Account Center?

Is my trial subscription refundable?

How do I opt in and out of communications from SiriusXM?

What services and channels do I get with my trial subscription?

How do I register my account so I can manage it online?

I don't know my Online Account Center login. What can I do?

I love SiriusXM. How do I become a subscriber when my trial subscription ends?

How do I find my account number?

How will I know when my trial subscription is ending?

Does my subscription automatically renew? Will you notify me?

Profiles 2.0 Portal FAQs

Can I listen to MLB® games online?

Can I exchange my SiriusXM product?

Why does the audio quality vary when I stream?

Why do I hear a previous song/show ending when a new one begins?

Can I get SiriusXM streaming service outside of the United States?

What plans include live NFL games?

Does returning a radio purchased with a plan cancel my SiriusXM subscription?

Can I listen to MLB® games online?

Frequently Asked Questions About Your Privacy Rights